miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Buy soma 350 mg Georgia

buy soma 350 mg Georgia

For this reason, it is important to have a television programming in Spanish in Hispanic households, especially those with young children, where parents can easily influence their children watch the channel. The problem is not only exposure to programming in Spanish, but on exposure to quality children's programming. For example, we all know the value of a program like Sesame Street, which kept the kids entertained for 30 years. Unfortunately, all programs are like Sesame Street. Most of buy soma 350 mg Georgia the channels available in buy soma 350 mg Georgia Spanish only to respect the legal limit, the transmission of three hours per week of educational programming for children.

On average, Hispanic households consume more than 30 hours per week of television, the equivalent of buy soma 350 mg Georgia more than one day. Now imagine that only three buy soma 350 mg Georgia hours of educational programming Spanish. When we speak of buy soma 350 mg Georgia educational television, it still sounds boring.Immediately we imagine something of the documentary or "TV in the classroom." This is not reality. In fact, there are many programs that are buy soma 350 mg Georgia very entertaining and fun. The problem is that the channels do not play because that children are not a demographic group that interests desannonceurs.

With this mentality, one hour of children's programming is an hour lost, because the channel could not sell the slot.

The medium can refer to all the channels to a buy soma 350 mg Georgia determinadogénero, but not in Spanish.

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